Just today I tried to open a PP from and email and it opened fine. Saved it and later tried to open again from file and it would not. For some reason it tries to open from "PowerPoint XmL-Binary F." What ever that is and where it came from. I've gone to Set Default Associations and it will not change.
I know when you first download PPViewer one needs to go to registry to change a "show" to "open" for it to open in Email. No problem there. But I can't open the file. I even tried to open with Irfan Viewer and it wanted to change file association.
If I select "Open with" and then select PP Viewer it continues to use SML=Binary File. I haven't been messing around with anything. Sure would hate to loss the 432 PP Files I have saved.
Not having the Office Full installed, I had to download PP Viewer to view them. All was well until today. PP Viewer is in the Folder Microsoft Office. Always before I had one file there, Power Point Viewer. Now I have two. The SML-Binary is there.
If this make any sense at all, would someone help me? Getting older is affecting my explanation of things, such as: I saw a small boy sitting on the curb crying big old tears. I ask him what was the matter to make him so sad. He said, I can do what the big boys can do. I thought about it a minute, then I sat down and cried with him!
What version is the Powerpoint file you are trying to open made from? Like was it created in Powerpoint 2003, 2007, 2010 etc.
Also, have you tried reinstalling PP Viewer completely to see if that helps?
It's Power Point 2007. And yes I have tried to uninstall and reinstall. I've also tried to roll back on System Restore, no luck anywhere. At the present time I'm reinstalling it.
I'm sure it was something I did without knowing it because early this morning it worked fine. Now it doing as I described.
Just now as I was uninstalling it a message poped up and said, "you will have to turn off PP Binary file for it to uninstall. Do you want to do that? Yes or No." Well I had to check yes because it wasn't going anywhere unless I did. Also, the message said that it would be turned back on after the uninstall. What a bucket of worms"
No ma'am, not exactly. The file show an icon as before. When I double click one to open, it does not. So I go to "Open With" and Power Point Viewer is not there. However the XML Binary is there. I don't choose it. So go to other options and I find Power Point Viewer in Microsoft Office under Programs. I open the file and PP Viewer is there as Binary. I choose PP Viewer but for some reason it doesn't accept that. I go to Properties on a PPS File already in my system and it says the File is associated with Power Point XML Binary -F. I am unable to change it from that. I have just finished uninstalling and reinstalling from Microsoft's web Page and have the same problem.
The Icon is different from what was there while working. Going to try to capture one to show you.
Question: What is the XML Binary? Is is something that's necessary for the program to run?
Well I see the ICON didn't make it. It very different from what I'm used to. This one only has a big P offset on the rest.
To my dear Friends that have so quickly attempted to get this old man out of hot water. After the last installation, things are coming back. I can now open the PPS file, from the mail or after saving to a file. It is different, especially the Icon but all is well. Usually as you know a PPS file will take the entire screen, and no options except EXIT to stop it. Well now it has a bar at the top and at the bottom. I can click full or reduced screen. It show how many slides it contains on the bottom bar with > and <. Don't know what has happened but it now works and I thank you for your efforts.
Didn't get a remark on my supposedly joke about the little boy. Was it to vulgar or just that corny?