Potential problem with Firefox 1.5 beta

Hi all,

I've installed the beta 1 of Firefox 1.5 and it seems to have moved the cache from "Application Data" to "Local Settings\Application Data". So CCleaner isn't removing the files. Can anyone else verify this for me?

Thanks :D


This is what Mozilla says:


Hmmm... could be a bug, I'll contact Mozilla.

i don't get it i thought the newest version of ff was 1.6?

1.0.6 is out now.

1.0.6 is the latest release, the latest beta is 1.5b1

The Firefox cache should never have been stored under Application Data. On a networked Windows XP workstation with roaming profiles in use, Application Data is part of what gets copied back and forth to the server on logon/logoff; 50Mb of Firefox cache makes this a painful process. Moving the cache to a subfolder of Local Settings\Application Data fixes this problem. Discussed endlessly in bug #74085.

The Firefox cache should never have been stored under Application Data. On a networked Windows XP workstation with roaming profiles in use, Application Data is part of what gets copied back and forth to the server on logon/logoff; 50Mb of Firefox cache makes this a painful process. Moving the cache to a subfolder of Local Settings\Application Data fixes this problem. Discussed endlessly in bug #74085.

Surprising that that bug took 4 years to fix, especially since cache location could be modified by the end user quite easily.

Thanks for the info. :D