Post your own security tips!

Ok, so this topic is to post your own security tips. I want to listen to everyone's idea. Remember to be respectful to all members, no spaming and flaming. Just post what you think is right and usefull.

I'm posting here instead of opening up a new topic. I notice a lot people here are concerned with MD5's and SHA256's (checksums). Wouldn't it make sense to build checksum accuracy within app installations? It sounds like it would be a tiny addition. What would the burden be? 3 seconds? I can live with that. :rolleyes:

A lot of them already do check themselves. I agree it can be a very useful thing.

Wouldn't it make sense to build checksum accuracy within app installations?

That along with the old school digital signature too, because files that have an invalid digital signature I will never install.

My security tips:

  1. Common Sense.

  2. Hardware firewall, coupled with a software firewall.

  3. Layered Protection as in multiple anti-malware scanners.

  4. Use an alternative browser such as Firefox or Opera simply because they won't run the same things that Internet Explorer will (plus the way better features).

Mine is just like, or similar to others...

1. Common sense.

2. Update programs when necessary.

3. Hardware firewall, with a software firewall on each computer.

4. Sandboxing/Virtualization programs.

5. Anti-malware software.

6. Alternative browsers with add-ons for added security, such as NoScript, Adblock Plus etc.

1. Common sense.

2. Update programs when necessary.

3. Hardware firewall, with a software firewall on each computer.

4. Anti-malware software.

5. Alternative browsers with add-ons for added security, such as NoScript, Adblock Plus etc.

6. Keep everything on external drives not hooked to the internet when surfing. That way, no matter what happens with malware, if infected, just reformat, reinstall, several hours later you are back in action with no harm done, nothing lost. :)

Firefox with Noscript run through Sandboxie whilst in Returnil mode inside a Virtual Machine with the real system in Returnil mode as well.

Ghost images and a clone on a spare hard drive.

And a couple of spare computers.

Firefox with Noscript run through Sandboxie whilst in Returnil mode inside a Virtual Machine with the real system in Returnil mode as well.

Ghost images and a clone on a spare hard drive.

And a couple of spare computers.

Hey Humpty don't forget your tin foil hat you might be vulnerable there :lol:

My best security tip is get a Mac :P

Firefox with Noscript run through Sandboxie whilst in Returnil mode inside a Virtual Machine with the real system in Returnil mode as well.

Ghost images and a clone on a spare hard drive.

And a couple of spare computers.

:lol:LMAO :lol:

Hey Humpty don't forget your tin foil hat you might be vulnerable there :lol:

This seems like a good idea.

Alternative browsers with add-ons for added security, such as NoScript, Adblock Plus etc.

I have a few questions.

1. Firefox 2 or 3

2. MVPS Host File yes or no, and will it protect all browsers?

3. Will any of this have a conflict with IE7 or Spywareblaster?

I have been free of nasties using IE7 with IE-SPYAD, the Active X and cookie protection of Spywareblaster.

Since IE-SPYAD is not updating, I need to make the switch.


Hey Humpty don't forget your tin foil hat you might be vulnerable there :lol:


Have half a dozen Vista/XP virtual machines with different setups but I only use them when warned to do so when testing some certain malwares.

Sandboxie by itself usually does me fine. B)

This seems like a good idea.

I have a few questions.

1. Firefox 2 or 3

I just don't like Firefox.

I much prefer IE7 with IE7Pro

Firefox 3 Follows IE7's Security Settings:

2. MVPS Host File yes or no, and will it protect all browsers?
I use MVPS as well as hpHOSTS HOSTS file managed by HostsMan with its companion HostsServer to speed up any browser:

3. Will any of this have a conflict with IE7 or Spywareblaster?

I have been free of nasties using IE7 with IE-SPYAD, the Active X and cookie protection of Spywareblaster.

Since IE-SPYAD is not updating, I need to make the switch.


SpywareBlaster is passive and does not interfere with IE7.

With Opera, disabling JavaScript globally and then allowing it for trusted sites using "Edit site preferences" option. Also recommened to use JavaScript toggle power button for quick enabling/disabling.

With IE, setting 'Internet'-zone to "High" and then using 'Trusted sites'-zone for trusted sites and thus allowing JavaScript and plug-ins to run with those sites.

And like already mentioned, using NoScript add-on with FF.

Edit: Oh yeah, and do not blindly download and install any suspicious programs, like for example screensavers and such stuff.

Humpty, that creased me up. You've got more stealth there than a Klingon Bird Of Prey. You must have to "De-Cloak" before you shut down your PC. :lol:


As above with Firewall, AV, Returnil and Sandboxie, with the personal set-up of never downloading anything to my System Drive if I can help it. (MS updates, are usually the only exceptions to this rule.)

Program Installers, Music, Video, Desktop Images etc, are always downloaded onto my partition and checked out as far as possible before installing or using.

2. MVPS Host File yes or no, and will it protect all browsers?

A HOSTS file works with any web browser on your system, it doesn't matter if it's IE, Opera, Firefox, or some obscure unknown browser never heard of before.

Ok, so this topic is to post your own security tips. I want to listen to everyone's idea. Remember to be respectful to all members, no spaming and flaming. Just post what you think is right and usefull.

I have been using this forum for 1 year now.

My "Common Sense" advice is read all you can on these forums and follow the advice and practices of those that have already "been there and done that".

I have strictly practised this most simple practice. It has served me well.

:) davey

Hey Humpty don't forget your tin foil hat you might be vulnerable there :lol:

There was a program about an Australian that liked tin hats on the Discovery channel.

My best security tip is get a Mac :P

The only Mac I like is the Big one I get at the big yellow arches.

I keep Windows Defender updated daily and check Windows Updates on Patch Tuesday.

The only Mac I like is the Big one I get at the big yellow arches.

Yeah that sounds good right now, so long as there's fries with that. :lol:

The only Mac I like is the Big one I get at the big yellow arches.

I keep Windows Defender updated daily and check Windows Updates on Patch Tuesday.

Yeah but you actually think IE is a good browser so that says a lot ;)

Windows is a massive security hole. There are millions of Macs in use why is there no security problems like there is with Windows. I keep hearing the BS about not many Macs out there so nobody feels it's worth messing with them. That is a total joke. There are millions of them in use and the fact that they haven't been seriously messed with would be all the more reason for some body to want to. The fact is it's not easy to do because it's a superior product. The more research I do the more I see this.

My security tips :

- Virus, Adware, spyware, etc come to us through the internet, so we better hav a fast & secure browser

*read this for a list of advance browsers

- Always have a anti-virus + anti-spyware and a firewall with you! (Some ppl nver get one)

- Do some tweaking in OS settings, services, startup, running-process, and more.

- When encounter any kind of Malware, don't ignore it.

- A rootkit scanner are needed

*Rootkit Buster and RootkitRevealer

- Get a registry cleaner such as CCleaner and RegSeeker(for tracking down unwantedregistry key)

- Remember to defrag

Free - *Defraggler, StartDefrag, PageDefrag, with the Disk Defragmenter (Built-in Windows defragmenter).

- Read forum and guides to expand your knowledge!

*A list of best guides

- Don't download random stuff!

*Read this post by rridgely of malware free freeware

- Keep your OS, hardware, and software all up-to-date.

*Online Vulnerability Scanning: Software Inspector