Possibly getting a mac for college

i've been using my families old compaq presario with windows 98 as my own for the past 4 years and it works great since im computer literate and the rest of my family stays away from this heap with a 96 MB ram. anyways, i've got my ipod and all my music on my dad's computer with XP and im going to get a powerbook for college. The 20 GB worth of music on my windows formatted ipod creates an issue for me i think. ripping all of that music all over again is not a possibilty, it's just something that isn't going to happen. are there any programs that will help me get music off of my windows formatted ipod and onto my mac? or will i have to enable my ipod for disk use and go that route? i also could maybe get a 1 or 2 gig flash drive and copy my whole library back and forth, that's what i might do right now.

I'm just wondering if anyone has done this before and how you did it. any suggestions will be great.

Well assuming the music is still on your dads pc just network the computers together and transfer it over. I know Itunes is crappy about letting you use your ipod on multiple computers. Well thats my suggestion. :P

I think you should ask this question in Aqua-Soft forums. It's one of the biggest mac forums.


Thanks for the suggestions, i'll probably see what the guys at that other site say too, im sure im not the first person to ever have this issue. my sister also owns a macbook so i will definitely have to mess around with hers and see what im able to do.

YamiPod: http://www.yamipod.com/

-Multi-Platform (Win, Mac, Linux)

-Allows you to copy the music from your iPod onto your computer

-Allows you to rearrange playlists

-Other small features
