I have never used Recuva, or any other such program. I have very little computer knowledge or skill.
I have a computer with three hard drives, two of them internal. One is dead, I suspect due to a virus. How can I have Recuva save the recovered files to a quarrantined portion of another drive, so that I can scan that section for viruses before using it? Thank you.
I have never used Recuva, or any other such program. I have very little computer knowledge or skill.
I have a computer with three hard drives, two of them internal. One is dead, I suspect due to a virus. How can I have Recuva save the recovered files to a quarrantined portion of another drive, so that I can scan that section for viruses before using it? Thank you.
I'm not sure what you mean by dead but you may be looking for something different.
Recuva is for restoring deleted files or if you format your hard drive/partition then it will aid in restoring files.
Take the hard drive out, hook it up to another computer with this device through USB and see if you can find the files.
If the hard drive is dead and wont spin up nothing is going to help you, sorry.
If the virus you suspect has deleted files or stopped the hard drive from booting your OS then yes Recuva will work but you need to run it on a working computer with the hard drive attached to it in some way.
If this is a hard drive that did not have a bootable partition and was used for storage then just install this program, scan for the files and you will see the results when its finished scanning. You can then choose to restore the files to a separate drive/partition.
Just follow the Step by Step wizard which is really easy.
First run your up-to-date virus scanner on the two good drives. Install Recuva on one of the good drives. Run Recuva with the Option/Action 'Scan for Non-Deleted files' checked. Scan the bad drive. If it finds anything, good. Check the files you want to recover and right click and select Recover Checked. (Check the undeleted files, not any deleted versions.) Chose one of the good drives for the recovery target - preferrably a new folder so you know what you've done. Recover them. Scan the new folder with your virus software.
Take the hard drive out, hook it up to another computer with this device through USB and see if you can find the files.
If the hard drive is dead and wont spin up nothing is going to help you, sorry.
If the virus you suspect has deleted files or stopped the hard drive from booting your OS then yes Recuva will work but you need to run it on a working computer with the hard drive attached to it in some way.
If this is a hard drive that did not have a bootable partition and was used for storage then just install this program, scan for the files and you will see the results when its finished scanning. You can then choose to restore the files to a separate drive/partition.
Just follow the Step by Step wizard which is really easy.
Good luck, hope this helps.
The computer contains two internal hard drives. One of them works, one of them doesn't. There is
also a working external drive, very large.
The hard drive is not mechanically dead. It spins up. The files are there, I just can't open them.
The important thing is, I need some step-by-step instructions on how to create a totally-safe and
totally isolated place on the live drive, for recovery. I don't want to infect my working drive with
The computer contains two internal hard drives. One of them works, one of them doesn't. There is
also a working external drive, very large.
The hard drive is not mechanically dead. It spins up. The files are there, I just can't open them.
The important thing is, I need some step-by-step instructions on how to create a totally-safe and
totally isolated place on the live drive, for recovery. I don't want to infect my working drive with
any possible virus on the non-working drive.
After 10 Years Crashes, Blue Screen, Re Formatting Hard Drives 4 Different Computers...
Obviously You Do Not Have Any Spy Ware Or Anti Virus Or Any Other Safe Ware Installed To Protect Your Computer.... I'd Install Advance System Care 3.1., Windows Defender, Spybot 1.6 ,CCleaner,Defraggler,
Run Weekly Your Disc Clean,Scan Disc, Defragment, Etc.
Then Install Latest Recuva ... All Else Fails RE FORMAT Drive Consider Yourself Fortunate Thats All You Lost...
Etal: You Got To get Into Friday Night Maintenance To Keep Your Computer Stable Running And Safe From Spy Ware,Etc.