Possible to schedule drive wiper like MFT deletion?

I am using Task Scheduler according to the directions, and it is working fabulously, but I cannot figure out how to do a "drive wipe" of free space automatically.

Is it even possible? Or does Drive Wiper always have to be run manually?

My scheduled task goes off without a hitch, but there is no way that it does a Drive Wipe of free space in the short time that it runs...(short now, since my pc's so clean!)

This is not good idea. Constant wiping will bring about an early death for your Hard Drive. One Should only, really, Wipe Free Space if the Hard drive is going to be sold.

Please remember that your hard drive can break and only has a finite number of read/write processes it can do in a lifetime. A scheduled drive wipe would heavily tax that number of writes.

This is for a client that needs to securely delete files after they are initially deleted. Basically, a once a week for their server is what is being looked at. This is for a law firm that needs to be able to say, "no, we do not have any copies of that file that are recoverable...."

I would assume there are multiple instances where businesses need to write 0's to free space to ensure secure deletion regularly...

I would have thought that any law firm that issues such a statement would be expected to show some kind of proof. CC is not a suitable application for this sort of work, in as much as it does not specify, certify or verify its deletion process. Anyway 'I'm securing your data with a freebie application downloaded from the internet' isn't really good practice, is it?