Possible software related net connection problem.


I'm new here, and am in desperate need of some help. I run XP Home, use a Qwest 1.5MB DSL connection, and have been using Avast free antivirus, and Zone Alarm's free firewall, but have recently switched the antivirus back to AVG's free version.

The reason I switched back to AVG recently, was that I had to constantly click on the program update of Avast, wait for the def stamp to download, which took anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more, whenever I couldn't get on the net (page cannot be displayed).

Sometimes this would happen again shortly after getting on the net, when trying to go from one site to another, and often times I'd just deactivate the antivirus.

After some trouble removing all the leftover pieces of Avast from the registry following the uninstall, I finally got no more of it's keys showing up with regedit>Edit>Find>Avast searches, so I downloaded and installed the program I used to use, AVG.

Now I seem to be still having the same problem, and deactivating the antivirus corrects it, although I did deactivate the Zone Alarm too this time, so I'm not positive it was the AVG.

I've checked the Zone Alarm settings for IE, and AVG, and it's set to allow access for both. My Internet Options settings are at the default, and the SP2 firewall is turned off.

There is no firewall in my DSL modem blocking any ports, so I really can't figure out what's causing this. Qwest just checked my line, and it's had no interuptions since I reconected the power plug to the modem almost two months ago.

I was worried CCleaner might be causing it, as it doesn't seem to be working right. It doesn't keep the cookies I program it to for very long. After a while I look in the Options>Cookies window, and the ones I put in the right column have disappeared.

I've run sfc /scannow, and Disc Manager error checks twice each in the last month, to see if I had any XP problems. The first time it was due to a program called Total Recorder causing conflicts with Windows Movie Maker, which later I found was corrected by setting TR to disable accelerated recording mode.

The second set of tests were done due to the net connection problem. I am a bit worried I may still be having software conflicts somewhere. When TR was conflicting with WMM, I got a lot of End Now (not resonding) messages when trying to reboot, and since upgrading to the full version of TR, I have noticed this happening again, although not as often.

I'm trying to get TR's MP3 ID tag detection to work, but have not been able to, and am still awaiting an email from their tech team after sending the debug info they requested.

Sorry for the long post, but I'm really baffled about this, and I can never tell when it's going to happen. Thorough virus scan checks with Avast before uninstalling, and with AVG after installing, have produced negative results (no viruses).

Please help me with this if you can, thanks.

It seems as though you have a lot wrong with your computer that you seem to be blaming CCleaner for, I think everyone on here would agree that it is not CCleaner causing your problems.

Do you also just check for viruses, thinking these are the causes of most problems?

Other forms of problems are, in my case and probably many others, not so much caused by viruses, but more often than not, by other forms of malware, such as adware, spyware, hijacking, and suchlike, yet you do not make any mention of checking for these.

What other anti-malware programs do you use?

A thorough read of this forum would leave your computer tooled up with all the protection that you could possibly need, to help prevent problems from arising.

Like they say it is no good bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted, do it first.

It would appear you are leaping to conclusions based on one sentence of what you read, and are being rather overprotective because of it Capman.

"I was worried CCleaner might be causing it, as it doesn't seem to be working right."

This means I thought the program should be retaining the cookies I set it to, which it is not, but you didn't answer that part.

Yes I use other adware/spyware tools, mainly Ad Aware, but haven't really needed to since installing CCleaner, as there's never anything left behind by it.

I also did some HighjackThis scan logs, had then auto annalyized by the Highjack this site, as well as by the techs on the Avast forum, and nothing was found to be malicious.

I just did another HighjackThis scan, and it's even cleaner now, having only one item that even has a question mark, being my m-audio sound card's speaker config utility. There are no red flags at all.

Right now I'm in the process of reinstalling things after a format of the drive.

I am still getting quirky things happening, mainly a redish color blurred stripe horizontally across the bottom of the screen upon reboots, and an End Now window flickering instantly on, then off just before the reboot.

It may be memory related, or even proc cache related, as sometimes I get a memory error message, that flashes quickly and I can't read everything it says in time.

I'm also getting a large window flicker very faintly and instantly while the desktop is coing back on.

Everytime I've formatted before, the system has recovered, but now I'm not so sure.

It may be memory related, or even proc cache related, as sometimes I get a memory error message, that flashes quickly and I can't read everything it says in time.

If it's faulty or bad memory you can test it with Memtest. If you've got more than one stick of memory you'll have to test each individually.

If it's faulty or bad memory you can test it with Memtest. If you've got more than one stick of memory you'll have to test each individually.

Yeah, Andavari, I do have a memtest disc I made once, so I'm going to do a test with that. I didn't know you had to remove one stick and test them one at a time though. I'm running 1G OCZ Platinum low latency RAM, in dual channel. I thought you could test both at once in dual channel, but I may be wrong.

Are there any tests I can run to check the proc though, or tests that check specifically for boot/reboot errors?