Possible non-deleted files showing up when option is not checked.

Not sure if this is what's happening or not, but it seems that when i use Deep scan, it seems to show results for programs that are still currently on my hard-drive, I do not have "scan for non-deleted programs checked". If I do a deep scan, and cancel it after it's already taken scanned all programs, i end up with 700k+ programs.

I have tried using the secure removal, but the entries show back up next scan. This makes it impossible for me to locate anything I'm actually looking for. I'm unsure if this is caused because I had used cut and paste to move programs, if it is, does anyone know how I might be able to correct this? thanks.

Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit

HD: ST1000DM 005 HD103SJ (I think)

If you need any additional information I can provide it.

It is unlikely (unknown, really) that these are undeleted files if you don't have the check box ticked to show them. Undeleted files will have 'Undeleted' as their status, and you won't be able to use secure delete on them.

Cut and paste makes no difference., and 700k files is not impossible on larger disks.

Secure overwriting a deleted file will not remove the name from the Master File Table, so it will show up on a subsequent scan, but the file data will be gone.

You can search for a particular file by sorting the file names or path, or by entering the file name or path in the File/Path box (in Advanced Mode).

I have use this software before, and previously it had reported only roughly 100 some files (all overwritten). The whole detecting 700k+ files started only yesterday. The files in question are all in good "health, but I notice they are in the same location and last modified date as the original file. If I try to securly delete it, it states that I cannot and that the file has already been overwritten. Is there anything that might cause this?

One hundred deleted files is not realistic, especially if you are using CC or regularly clearing your browsing history). There must be something limiting the amount of files displayed. Possibly you're using the wizard. I would advise switching to Advanced Mode. If you already are, then clear the File/Path box and in Options/Actions check the first three boxes. This will show all your deleted files.

likely they are shortcut files from "recent use" folders.Do you have windows show or hiding (this is default) extensions for known file types.