Positive in portable in Virustotal


Firstly, Many thanks for the utility, that I use since many years ago.

I have just download the portable application directly in this web and I have found this in virustotal. I think it is a false positive, but could it be fixed in some way?

Many thanks and best regards,

Scary. I would go with the slim build until all is sorted.

Slim tests OK at Virustotal.

On VirusTotal 1/59 scanners is detecting: lang/lang-1059.dll

Jotti says it's clean:


This is a false positive and what antivirus is "thehacker" sounds untrustable to me It looks to be flagging one of the language dll files.

Can anyone find any documentation on TheHacker? I haven't yet.


I'm going to do some digging, but usually virustotal should only be taken seriously when there's a majority share of hits.


For more information on False Positives:



Just to follow up on Kroozer's slim suggestion. The dll in question lang-1059.dll is identical in both the portable and slim (and regular) installers. This was confirmed, by me just now ;) , via SHA256 hashing, uploading both versions of the file to VirusTotal and a manual look at the two files using WinMerge.

The reason the installer version doesn't flag it is that the dll needs to be compiled before it's apparent to a scanner.

To the original poster, while this is likely (as I and others stated) a false positive, as long as you don't need to have ccleaner in Belarusian (language 1059) you can delete the file and all other lang files which you don't need

you can find the language codes https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb964664.aspx

as you don't need to have ccleaner in Belarusian (language 1059) you can delete the file and all other lang files which you don't need

That's why I had to re-download the portable ZIP because I have CCleaner automatically delete all of its own lang DLLs because I've no use for them.


Had to re-download to get the SHA-1 to look it up on Jotti.

Many thanks to all of you.

I have delete all languages dll, except spanish (although I use original language) and now the size is almost the size of the original zip.

I could have realised. Next time I will go to "File detail" in virustotal :-)

Anyway, I'm also sure that it's a false positive.
