Is there a version of CCleaner that installs and runs on USB drive? i.e., a portable version. Any other similar apps that you know of?
Is there a version of CCleaner that installs and runs on USB drive? i.e., a portable version. Any other similar apps that you know of?
Is there a version of CCleaner that installs and runs on USB drive? i.e., a portable version.
Yes Download here
Is there a version of CCleaner that installs and runs on USB drive? i.e., a portable version.
You can just put the CCleaner folder or where ever you installed it on your USB drive and it will run from there. You can setup the option to save your settings to CCleaner.ini.
The only difference between the normal version and Glenn's download link is it has the additional language dll's in the zip.
You can just put the CCleaner folder or where ever you installed it on your USB drive and it will run from there. You can setup the option to save your settings to CCleaner.ini.
The only difference between the normal version and Glenn's download link is it has the additional language dll's in the zip.
Thanks for the tip Keith.
There appears to be a need for a truly portable version of CCleaner, Especially when it comes to using CCleaner on corporate computers that are typically locked down by the IT support. By this I mean the following (most of which I borrowed from wikipedia)
1. CCleaner would not require any kind of installation on a computer's permanent storage device to be executed, and can be stored on a removable storage device such as USB flash drive, enabling it to be used on multiple computers.
2. Settings are stored with, and can be carried around with, the software (i.e., they are written to the USB drive). If the registry is used to store settings, the application's configuration isn't portable, and must be set up on every PC it is used on
3. Leaves a zero (or near-zero) "footprint" on any PC it's run on after being used. i.e., All temporary files/registry settings should be removed once the program has exited, and files created by the user can be saved directly to the same removable media as the application is stored on.
4. Should not require admin privileges to run.
Would be truly great if we can start working on this.
Is something like this available? With CCleaner? Any other software that does the same thing that CCleaner, but comes closer to true portability.
I would gladly participate and contribute in any way that I can to its development and use.
... Especially when it comes to using CCleaner on corporate computers that are typically locked down by the IT support. ... Would be truly great if we can start working on this.
If the computer isn't yours and you don't have permission to go changing it, you shouldn't.
Thanks for the tip Keith.
Especially when it comes to using CCleaner on corporate computers that are typically locked down by the IT support.
1. CCleaner would not require any kind of installation on a computer's permanent storage device to be executed, and can be stored on a removable storage device such as USB flash drive, enabling it to be used on multiple computers.
4. Should not require admin privileges to run.
Well igonzi I use CCleaner at work its been installed for many years. I forget the actual verion number but its something like v1.17.567. As you can see from the number its very old. As for getting our IT techs to install the newer version is like getting blood from a stone. There were bugs in the older version that I didn't like so I zipped up the CCleaner folder at took it to work.
I unzipped to my own folder and it runs sweet as a nut. Now I always use the registry to store the info this is because the older version didn't have this option.
The only difference you are going to have is with this info. If your using the CCleaner.ini in the application folder then would have thought that it will alway use this. The settings in there will be used on any machine you are going to use it on.
You will have to give it a try, just put the CCleaner folder on a flash drive and run it from there.
In principle I like Portable, especially since I have suffered major registry problems when upgrading some software, and had a lot of trash left over after un-installing.
My Windows XP has two principle users, my daughter as User without administrator privileges, and myself as administrator.
With 35 years experience with computers I have enabled almost every option, and can quickly decide if everything proposed for removal should go, or whether something should be saved for another day.
Because CCleaner is unable to clean junk from my daughter's profile when using my access rights, I have added an automatic start-up in her user profile.
Because neither of us have the patience for me to give her 35 years training, I cancelled all the options for things I normally access, so she only has her own private junk to remove.
After that I was VERY pleasantly surprised that CCleaner still purged for me everything it used to purge.
So, I have just tried CCleaner in Portable mode and I like it BUT, upon reflection, I now realise that CCleaner held two different configurations in the registry, and in Portable mode the configuration is held in CCleaner.ini, so I assume only one configuration is possible, BUT PLEASE tell me if I am wrong - it would be nice if I could have two different *.ini files, and if the start-up link could include an argument designating which *.ini file to use.
nb I realise I could use two different CCleaner Folders, one for each configuration, BUT my first P.C. had a 20 MByte Hard Drive, and what for your intellect is a mere 1 MByte of extra code is, for my emotions, 5% of my first expensive Hard Drive !!!