I see that portable CCleaner and Defraggler were created for U3. I much prefer PortableApps (http://www.portableapps.com) Please make an installer for them.
Incidentally, for those investigating the PortableApps site, you can still just run one of these apps in isolation; they don't have to be run in the context of the full autorun app. So a PortableApps (e.g. CCleaner) build could actually replace the existing non-U3 portable build to give users both options.
i use CCleaner, Defraggler, Recuva, Speccy with the portable builds, manually added to my PortableApps Suite.
since portableapps 2.0 beta5 has an integrated updater, it would be great when your portable programs will be shipped in portableapps-format, too!