Port 113

Tested my firewall today on this site http://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2 all my Ports were stealthed but Port 113 it's closed after reading the info on this port It's like a 50/50 shot to stealth it or just leave it closed. So I just created a firewall rule to let me know if the port is ever used and what program is requesting it. Anyone have any better ideas would appreciate the info also failed the Ping test. I have looked around in my firewall setting I cant find anything related to the Ping settings. I'm using Norton 2003 Firewall. I have been attacked a few times over the years but all blocked as far as I know I have never been compromised in any way.

Yeah those online firewall tests are a confusing lot sometimes as Windows Firewall on my system used to always pass with TruStealth on GRC.com but now it doesn't after getting a DSL connection, but installing other firewalls like ZoneAlarm, Sunbelt Kerio, etc., don't fix it so I think there's a need for a hardware firewall.

Yeah those online firewall tests are a confusing lot sometimes as Windows Firewall on my system used to always pass with TruStealth on GRC.com but now it doesn't after getting a DSL connection, but installing other firewalls like ZoneAlarm, Sunbelt Kerio, etc., don't fix it so I think there's a need for a hardware firewall.

Well after further research I do have a firewall on my D-Link DI-604 router I will have to do some config. on that. So here is what I have ended up with for now.

Yeah that first scan is alright, it's just the other scans at the bottom of the page like if your computer is responding to PING attempts. Mine responds to PING on a TCP port according to GRC.com but I'm not worried about it because it could easily be my ISP's connection software that loads with the system.