Hi folks new to the forum and trying to get some help from you
I have a 12 year old son and worried about him getting acces to porn websites, I'm currently using firefox as my main browser, can someone recomend me a program(freeware)that can filter out adult website.
I really appreciate any help.
PD Been using CCleaner for a while, great program .
Maybe look for an add-ons to the extensions Adblock and/or Adblock Plus to filter them. There's always the Windows HOSTS file way too, although I don't think it could be made smart enough as an Adblock/Adblock Plus add-on would be since they can use wildcards.
Then again there's always the pay software route too.
I do know there's software available I had seen on the news (don't remember the name of it though) that will only allow a child to visit a particular website after an adult has deemed it safe.
There's a search engine for children on ChildSafe International, that will only show children safe searchs (and obviously some naughty adults should use them too):
I just found a bunch of these by doing a Google search for "free internet content filters". Cannot comment on any, haven't used them. Have you checked with your school system. . they might have suggestions.
May be you could use one of the kids search engines as your homepage whilst your young fella is on the net.
The services below are designed primarily to serve the needs of children, either in focus, or by filtering out sites that some parents and teachers might find inappropriate for kids. These usually include sites that deal with explicit sexual matters, porn sites, violence, hate speech, gambling and drug use.
I run WinXp and have a separate user name for my 12 yr old. I disable all shortcuts to IE and have him access through AOL Kids Zone. This works very well for me.
If you are only disabling the shortcuts it may not be enough, you can still run them.
I understand that. Certain restrictions will work for specific age group children. If you are concerned about a 10 to 12 year old then this should be fine. IF you permit your children to have a computer connected to the internet in their own bedroom, unsupervised, then you are only asking for trouble. Our computer is in the family room and my children each got their own once they turned 17.