Please Use Firefox

I ran into this today and have never seen it before. Looks like good advice though. I use Firefox to view every page, lol.

I only use IE for win updates and few sites that don't allow FF. Otherwise, i'm always using firefox xD

It's just a subtle way of saying Internet Explorer sucks, etc., without being blatant about it. Well at least that's what I think.

I only use IE for win updates and few sites that don't allow FF. Otherwise, i'm always using firefox xD

Google "windiz" and see how you go for windows updates through FF.

Think Rridgely posted about it several months ago.

Google "windiz" and see how you go for windows updates through FF.

Think Rridgely posted about it several months ago.

Nah it wasn't me that posted that.(I do remember seeing it posted here though) I'm in the mindset that you should only get windows updates through the official ms site. Even if that works perfectly it still isn't worth the risk.

I think that it is a good idea to inform people about Firefox, because many people use IE and don't know that it is an totally inferior outdated insecure browser that doesn't follow webstandards.

I hope that site don't prevent people with other browsers to view the content of the site though. That would be very bad.

Nah it wasn't me that posted that.(I do remember seeing it posted here though) I'm in the mindset that you should only get windows updates through the official ms site. Even if that works perfectly it still isn't worth the risk.

All the updates you need for Microsoft.

FireFox is no better then IE in my book. I use IE based browsers such as Maxthon. Way better then FireFox and a much better pop-up block at that!

FireFox is no better then IE in my book. I use IE based browsers such as Maxthon. Way better then FireFox and a much better pop-up block at that!

too bad IE isn't standards comliant ;). see the website below to see what i mean. Opera already is and Firefox will soon join Opera in its 3.0 release(or so i've heard).

edit:btw, i've also tried Maxthon. if we were to talk about IE shells, then i would say that Avant Browser > Maxthon

Firefox is great and is my personal favorite browser. I've been looking into a browser called Flock, though. It's still in beta but it's pretty fast! It's based on Mozilla's code and has lots of nifty features.

FireFox is no better then IE in my book. I use IE based browsers such as Maxthon. Way better then FireFox and a much better pop-up block at that!

You are wrong. Mozilla Firefox is better than Internet Explorer. Ever since IE killed of Netscape, Microsoft has been slacking and haven't done anything with IE for several years. All browsers such as Maxthon, Avant, etc use Trident which is the IE rendering engine, a broken web rendering engine that does not follow webstandards. Mozilla Firefox uses the Gecko engine which is far superior and unlike Trident actually attempts to follow webstandards.

IE is holding back the web, website developers cant use the full potential, they must use "hacks" for their pages to render correctly because a certain browsers (read IE) cant follow web standards.

they've been slacking, but they'll soon release IE7 which has some improvement in its support for the web standards(the link that i gave to wikipedia should explain it a little bit).

That's your opinion guys not mine...