Please make an option for setting up close of Chrome in settings

Every time I start Ccleaner, I have to wait several minutes to answer the question of closing Chrome and Force close. Even if Chrome is closed, it will ask, because Chrome is still running Chrome printers.

Please let us configure this in settings, so Ccleaner can be started and run to the end without any user interaction.

I normally let Ccleaner run and then close the computer at the end of the day and just want to be able to start it and leave the computer.

Uncheck all chrome entries and it will stop. This isn't the fault of ccleaner, I am sorry to inform you. Chrome locks the database files that control cache, cookies history etc whenever there is a chrome process. At least one of these remains locked by chrome even after exit, especially when using chrome print. Firefox has this same issue when their maintenance update service is enabled.

Ccleaner makes all possible effort to close chrome but it wouldn't without your express permission; you don't want a scheduled auto clean to suddenly kill your browser while you use it, do you?

ShowFirefoxCleanWarning in your ccleaner.ini or registry is what controls this

A setting of false will cause ccleaner to skip the browser

This is also achieved in ccleaner by ticking the box to "never ask this again" when presented with the question to close the browser or not. But this will cause chrome to skip each time after, when it runs.

I am fed up with CCleaner asking me to subscribe.

I am happy to subscribe and pay Piriform money but only when I can stop this absurd dialogue about closing Chrome.

I am forced to go through it (4 commands and 8 waits ) even when Chrome is closed and even when it is closed in the dialogue for the analysis.... for I have to go through it again for the cleaning.

It did not used to happen, say before two years ago.

Schedule cleaning is of course impossible.

I have no Chrome printing as referred to in the other reply.

My operating system in Windows 8.1 and my browser is Chrome.

Graham Cox

Open Chrome. advanced settings (right at bottom) click on it, then scroll down til you come ''Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed" and untick it.

(Edit, ninja'd by hazelnut)

Likely you have one or more chrome task running in the background. Start task manager and close all chrome (and chrome clone) instances.

In chrome options turn off all background running (including sync)

As far as asking you to subscribe, ccleaner doesn't have any such nag, to my long knowledge perhaps take a screen shot and make a new thread so attention can be paid to it.