I have just purchased Recuva and appears to have been a complete waste of money unless I find a solution.
I have a 512mb SD Card (Kodak) it was just on a recent holiday but stopped working half way through when I noticed all the photos vanished off the camera.
When I got home I put the SD Card in my computer and noticed no photos on the car. I used a photo recovery program that shows them on the card but when I use a paid for version (Recuva) it dont work.
The program detects them and shows the red/yellow/green lights etc. I click recover and it put them in a folder for me but when I check the folder nothing has been recovered.
I paid full price for this application and it does'nt seem to be doing what it says, unless I am doing something wrong.
Please help, these are my holiday photos so would love to have them
Recuva is freeware. If you bought from a website other than Piriform then you got ripped off otherwise what you paid for was priority support; the installer is free to download and install.
You are in Advanced mode, or else you wouldn't see the coloured circles
You have nothing in the File/Path box that restricts your display
You want to recover all the pics on the card
Check the box at the top l/h next to Filename, all files will be checked. Right click and select Recover Checked. Select the location for recovery and press OK. What message is displayed? How many files does Recuva say have been recovered?
If the files recovered figure is greater than zero then they must be somewhere on your disk. If it says zero files recovered then post here with the info.