Please add this browser

Please add the Torch browser to the list. Most people use this browser cos its cool but it dont show up in ccleaner so its hard to remove the cookies of this browser using ccleaner. Or is there any manual option to add some browser we have isntalled ?? I would be so obliged

here is the link of the browser

Hiya, if you give winapp2.ini a try (top link in my signature) it includes support for Torch as of 2014-01-06.

Otherwise, I believe you can set a custom chrome path (though I've forgotten the syntax for this) for the torch directories

Hiya, if you give winapp2.ini a try (top link in my signature) it includes support for Torch as of 2014-01-06.

Otherwise, I believe you can set a custom chrome path (though I've forgotten the syntax for this) for the torch directories

Thanks for that and yes that helped me but it does not cleanes the files automatically when i close the browser even though ccleaner monitoring is active nor it has any option to add the torch browser for automatic clean up there. So i have to run ccleaner manually to clear all the things. Whats the solution to this please help ??

monitoring is a function of the pro version which I don't have so I can't be of much help there.

Perhaps adding it as a custom chrome path would activate the monitoring

i have pro version and i want that it should auto monitor the torch browser too.

How to add it as custom path can u help ??

any other ccleaner personnel can help us ???

Thanks, we'll look into this.

Did custom chrome path not work? afaik monitoring works with custom location (see documents link below for help documents, I believe custom location is described in the advanced section)

Thanks, we'll look into this.

Did custom chrome path not work? afaik monitoring works with custom location (see documents link below for help documents, I believe custom location is described in the advanced section)

Well idk how to use custom location with monitoring as im not a programmer or anything like that i have just used ccenhancer latest version and it can clean the files if i manually run it but it does not auto cleans them as i cant see Torch browser in Monitoring list. Maybe ccleaner staff need to fix it in the program or let me know how to do it manually. See picture link below