Please Add The Option "Clean Prefetch"

There is a file of Prefetch which is manegeing order of programs and other things.

they are lockated in C:\Windows\Prefetch\

(C is an interval)

you should really check this out.

it can clean between 3 - 20 MB.


MmMaTAn :lol:

CCleaner already cleans prefetch data, you can find it listed in:

Cleaner->Settings->System->Old Prefetch data

If you are wanting to optimize the layout.ini file (this may make it smaller or larger) click start->run and use this:

%windir%\system32\Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

CCleaner already cleans prefetch data, you can find it listed in:

Cleaner->Settings->System->Old Prefetch data

If you are wanting to optimize the layout.ini file (this may make it smaller or larger) click start->run and use this:

%windir%\system32\Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks


I don't have that option under Settings. There are only 4 options

Run Cc when computer starts

Add Run CC cleaner to Recycle context menu

Add Open CC opiton to Recycle bin context menu

Automatically check for updates.

Am I not looking in the right place? Because I would like my prefetch deleted also.

It's located at:

Cleaner > Windows > System > Old Prefetch Data
