please add "origin" software by EA games to ccleaner

Hi I just wanted to suggest for including "origin" software by EA games in ccleaner as it has many log files.


i would be glad too :)

Hi there!

Thanks very much for the suggested addition. We regularly review the feedback we receive, so keep letting us know of your requests!



I dont know if it is important for...


--> 2 files (pictures "d2*.jpg") 17 kb

C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Origin\Web Cache

--> 2 subfolders

--> "data7" with 43,5 MB (subfolders 0-9, a-f for me)


--> "prepared" with 2,51 MB (only files as "Cp1400.d"...)


2 files

"ApplicationCache.db" -1,08 MB

"WegpageIcons.db" -417 kb

2 subfolders

--> cache

1 file "XEP0115Cache.xml" with 565 bytes

--> LocalStorage

"https_checkout.origin.com_0.localstorage" -3kb

"" -3 kb

"https_signin.ea.com_0.localstorage" -10 kb

"https_www.facebook.com_0.localstorage" -3 kb

"https_www.origin.com_0.localstorage" -10 kb

"widget_mygames-3cc512711b7f8e3add7880f69d064b9f6beb89db_0.localstorage" -3 kb

"widget_mygames-05c5be11170952c0bb440f53cc98b5e2c5ad3152_0.localstorage" -3 kb

C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Origin\Cloud Saves

4 files

"71104.client" timestamp 13.12 2014 -3,21 kb

"71104.lastsync" timestamp 13.12.2014 -3,21 kb

"71715.client" timestamp 30.04.2015 -440 bytes

"71715.lastsync" timestamp 30.04.2015 -440 bytes

perhaps these folders are still important for cleaning



Trium, as you have the folders, you can test if they can be removed without harm to origin or EA games. Once you've tested you can create a winapp2 entry


I just updated my foxit reader software from version 6 to 7 and now ccleaner shows both versions, any idea how can I fix it or it's a ccleaner bug?


Possibly a left-over version specific registry key from the previous version of Foxit Reader, or a folder left in an Application Data folder.

using the /EXPORT switch will show you where CC is finding the leftover triggers.

usage documentation here;

using the /EXPORT switch will show you where CC is finding the leftover triggers.

usage documentation here;

Thanks can you describe it more specificly for me? I looked that link but don't know what to do. also I couldn't find any .INI file in the CCleaner's installation folder as noted in that link.


the way I do it is this;

  • start a command prompt window
  • CD to where CCleaner lives
  • type in ccleaner64 /export (I'm assuming you are on a 64bit PC)

that's it, it will not run CC but instead create three .INI files

  1. winapp.ini (CCleaner - Application Cleaning file)
  2. winreg.ini (CCleaner - Registry Cleaning file)
  3. winsys.ini (CCleaner - System Cleaning file)

look in all those files, find Foxit Reader 6, and that will highlight where/why CC is thinking you still have it installed.

the way I do it is this;

  • start a command prompt window
  • CD to where CCleaner lives
  • type in ccleaner64 /export (I'm assuming you are on a 64bit PC)

that's it, it will not run CC but instead create three .INI files

  1. winapp.ini (CCleaner - Application Cleaning file)
  2. winreg.ini (CCleaner - Registry Cleaning file)
  3. winsys.ini (CCleaner - System Cleaning file)

look in all those files, find Foxit Reader 6, and that will highlight where/why CC is thinking you still have it installed.

Thanks for help, I watched this video and used windows task scheduler to create those INI files: