Please Add Antivirus features to CCleaner

Its time to give a big hand to the CCleaner and Piriform team at the end of the year.

I have been using CCleaner for more than five years and its a trustworthy and hassle-free tool.

I request that you may please add virus scan and other anti-virus features in addition to the base functionality for additional cost for pro version.

It may be big leap forward and definitely needs lot more of undertaking but it will be worth it in the long run.

Best wishes

Sartaj Alam

I know it's just a feature request/suggestion but I'll have to disagree, reason being CCleaner is starting to get too many features bloating it over the years making it more complex and buggy, and I can only imagine the amount of bugs it would have if a full fledged antivirus existed inside it.

Although they could direct you towards their owner Avast if you wanted an antivirus solution, and I think perhaps it would be perhaps easier and make more sense for Avast to integrate CCleaner a much smaller program into it either fully or to some degree.

1 hour ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		.... I think perhaps it would be perhaps easier and make more sense for Avast to integrate CCleaner ....

I've long suspected that to be the reason why Avast acquired Piriform in the first place.

I would not like to see an AV added to CCleaner.

In fact there are thing I wish taken away from the cleaner in order to return it to its former glory !


I'll humbly disagree as well.

for me, adding these extra features was the start of the slippery slope in the decline of CC when it moved away from its core, founding principle of being the best crap cleaning tool out there.

It's already there. Just let Avast A/V install itself when you install CC. An A/V is not - generally - something you run every few days or so when you feel like it, it is permanently active. You could ask why doesn't the A/V include CC? I suppose it could, but not on my machine.