The problem is the diameter of it is greater than the center hole in in a CD. What am I missing here? How do you get CDs to fit? Thank You!
The problem is the diameter of it is greater than the center hole in in a CD. What am I missing here? How do you get CDs to fit? Thank You!
Could it be some sort of protective packaging in the optical drive to stop any damage during shipping?
Could it be some sort of protective packaging in the optical drive to stop any damage during shipping?
They used to include a CD sized paper cutout in the drives years ago. As for it protecting the drive I don't know.
If you've got a digital camera take a picture of it and post it.
Are you sure its bigger than the hole in a cd? Laptops have those things like portable cd players so the disc doesn't get scratched when you move.(like say a computer or ps2 cd would if you moved the device with a cd in it.)
It was late last night when I originally posted under frustration. Talked to some of my children today and I'm (they) thinking I'm just hesitant to force it on there. I brought my camera to work on Friday trying to get some pics of a pair of Eagles that have been around and left it there. I'll run over there tomorrow and pick it up and if I can't (or afraid to) get a disc on I'll take a pic. Thanks!
They used to include a CD sized paper cutout in the drives years ago. As for it protecting the drive I don't know.
If you've got a digital camera take a picture of it and post it.
Hi Andarvari , things have probably changed a lot over the year's, I remember my Marantz CD player "CD-60" having 2 lock down plastic thumb screws under the bottom of the unit.
They were there to stop any movement during shipping, and had to be unlocked for the player to work.
Sorry, I was thinking along those lines... and "slowday" I hope you get it sorted
Well, I guess it was just an optical (no pun intended) illusion because I'm making a recovery disc on the notebook right now. You need to forgive us 60 yr olds (in April). Everything was just plastic, plus the drive itself seems kind of fragile just hanging there, I didn't want to reef to hard.