Play Pac-Man Google Style.

Its the 30th anniversary of the classic Pac-Man.

Vist Google!

If you click the Insert Coin button twice, you'll be able to play as Ms Pac-Man using WASDwink.gif

hahaha this is awesome! I'm playing it right now. It's been about 10 years since I've played PAC-MAN.

Dum dum dum... *goes to Google* alt+enter. Ok... I'll search for.... ooohhh Pacman. Hmmm... *clicks Insert Coin*. Awesome! *Wakawakawakawakawakawaka*. Booyah, one level finished! *clicks Insert Coin again* Woah, Ms. Pacman! Oh yeah, let's do this level! *Wakawakawakawakawakawaka*. Woops ten minutes have passed. Ok back to... WTH was the thing I came for again!?

I'd rather play Super Mario than Pacman cause I think Super Mario has a wider scope of plot.

Thought this was an interesting take on the Google Pac Man day:

Such a nice game :)


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I win this game :)

Its the 30th anniversary of the classic Pac-Man.

Vist Google!

That's why I like google :) they remember such nice games! classic games!