Planned defrag does not move files to end of disk

Hello all, this is my first post here.

Thanks very much for all your nifty tools, as well, they've helped a lot!

I am experiencing a small problem in defraggler 1.19.192 (and previous versions, too)(19th may release).

I am using Windows XP SP3, home edition if that matters any.

What I found is that the planned defrag does not move big files to the end of the disk(in fact, it moves files at the end of the disk back to the start-mid of the disk), while a manual defrag does move big files to end of disk, which is how I have configured the program.

I would like to request help in getting it to do this, if that is possible, or otherwise I would like to request this feature in a future release.

Thanks for your time,

Joey :)

I just posted with the same problem.

Defraggler v1.20.201 (64-bit)

Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)