Placement of ccleaner.ini

I suggest pacing the ccleaner.ini file in the root:\programdata\ccleaner folder

and not in the root:\program files\ccleaner folder for windows Vista and upwards.

i'm curious as to your reasoning.


I'd prefer to have all CCleaner's stuff located in a single, easy to manage folder. Spreading it out over the hard drive serves no obvious purpose.

..other than to cause headaches

CCleaner.INI will NEVER exist by default,

unless you use the Portable version in which case it should NEVER appear in a standard system folder - but always in the same folder as CCleaner.EXE.

Going to have to disagree as well. I can't see the utility in creating a programdata folder.

I understand the logic behind it though, Ccleaner.ini is program data, but I also prefer that all the ccleaner files stay together.

Do you prefer the .ini or the registry?

I personally use the INI, primarily for the ability to easily edit it.

The more a program confines itself to a single directory the happier I am.

Running with UAC Approval should take care of any headache caused by having the ini in the program files diretory

topic moved to ccleaner suggestions board

Running with UAC Approval should take care of any headache caused by having the ini in the program files diretory

Actually, Windows allows an .exe to write to its own directory within Program Files - even without a UAC approval.

interesting I didn't know that


then what are the headaches associated with the ini location :blink:

CCleaner.INI will NEVER exist by default,

unless you use the Portable version in which case it should NEVER appear in a standard system folder - but always in the same folder as CCleaner.EXE.

Exactly. I use the Portable version and if it were to be stored in a different location rather than with CCleaner.exe it would be a cause for concern being I have CCleaner Portable on each and every USB thumb drive I own.

Do you prefer the .ini or the registry?

I prefer the INI as then it's easy to have those changes carried to other PC's.

How it would be to give the path of the ini-file as a program command parameter?

Then you can create a windows LNK to CCleaner, add the switches as

/i %USERPROFILE%\Appdata\CCleaner\CCleaner.ini

(Is a suggestion, isnt implemented like this now)

How it would be to give the path of the ini-file as a program command parameter?

Not possible.

Instead you must use Windows Notepad.exe, or any alternative simple text editor, to edit the *.INI file whilst CCleaner is closed.