This has been an annoyance of mine for a long time so thought it was time to ask. Am I the only one that gets forum email notifications (new topics, replies to messages etc) regardless of how I have the email settings in my control panel set? Yesterday I tried unticking ALL the email settings and I still got a bunch of email notifications since.
I don't mind getting emails to inform me if someone replies to a topic I've taken part in but getting an email for every new topic that's posted is a nuisance.
If I couldn't disable it via the My Controls settings, I would block the notification email address.
Thing is I just want to be able to control it normally. I'm perferctly happy to get a notification email if someone replies to a topic I've taken part in, just wish I could cut down the number i get as a result of getting one for every new topic posted and seems the forum is completely ignoring whatever changes I make in my email settings
seems the forum is completely ignoring whatever changes I make in my email settings
Have you tried changing the settings in a different browser. Maybe it's a cookie issue, which is the only thing I can think of why it may not be saving your settings.
Well just to update, after trying everything and giving up, I discovered the problem by pure chance when looking through my forum settings for something else. For some reason I was subscribed to the entire software section of the forum, so every new post and reply in the software section was sending an email notification to me, even though I had all email settings disabled. A strange quirk of the forum software I presume.
So having now removed that subscription (that I don't remember ever setting) all is well again and forum is finally only notifying me of replies to topics I've taken part in. Took a while but got there in the end