I had to log in via Proxies to tell you guys.
My I.P. address is: but I think its dynamic so it keeps changing.
I had to log in via Proxies to tell you guys.
My I.P. address is: but I think its dynamic so it keeps changing.
OK ishan, I'll see what I can do.
Additional info: I tried Firefox, Chrome, IE9. All failed
Tried another computer using the same Wi-Fi. Failed.
I'm curious. If your IP is dynamic, the address should change by temporarily disconnecting your line. That didn't help any? I'm surprised. Maybe Piri locked your entire area.
Are you talking about the web site or the forum site??
If there's a network routing problem then yes some sites would appear inaccessible.
For more information run tracert from the DOS Prompt (cmd.exe) tracert.exe www.piriform.com
or from Linux: traceroute www.piriform.com
Richard S.
Richard, I did a trace. After showing 15 hops it exits -- doesn't give me time to study the log. How do I keep the log?
Edit: Work around - discovered I could capture the log by continually hitting print screen, but not easy to get the last entry because it quickly disappears.
I'm curious. If your IP is dynamic, the address should change by temporarily disconnecting your line. That didn't help any? I'm surprised. Maybe Piri locked your entire area.
That's most likely to be the problem.
It will be tomorrow before the admin can check it out. (UK time)
It is the entire Piriform website. This is depressing.
@kroozer tracert.exe is a console app you must run it from within the DOS Prompt (cmd.exe) to stop it disappearing.
@ishan_rulz it seems you have DNS look up problem this is why you're unable to access Piriform.
I've seen this problem occasionally on my ISP but they usually only lasts a few days or so.
try: ipconfig.exe /flushdns
If that doesn't work append your hosts file "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" with the following www.piriform.com forum.piriform.com
Save and restart your web browser for the changes to take effect.
Note that this a temporary fix if Piriform change their IP addresses the host data would become invalid.
Richard S.
Richard, I did a trace. After showing 15 hops it exits -- doesn't give me time to study the log. How do I keep the log?
1. If you want a log click Start, Run, input:
tracert.exe www.piriform.com > "c:\tracert_log.txt"
2. After awhile you can close the Command Prompt window, then start Notepad and open: c:\tracert_log.txt
If you don't want a log just ignore the above, and do as Richard stated in a Command Prompt window.
I got over 30 hops, and it stating: Request timed out
Thanks Richard and Andavari. I realised my error when I tried accessing it again a few minutes ago.
My goof. I was accessing Command Prompt thru Search\tracert.exe www.piriform.com and Run. (Can I blame it on my tiring day?)
Edit: Strange. The first Time I went thru Run it stayed. Now it disappears even when using Andavari's tactic.
I'll have to work on this and figure out why it's finicky.
Later: Yeah, if I go thru Accessories\Command Prompt it will stick. Run shows almost the same prompt, but I notice the top two lines are missing.
I'm getting an education tonight.
Kroozr, if you have tried Andavari's method, you will get a log file in "C:\" called tracert_log.txt
@kroozer tracert.exe is a console app you must run it from within the DOS Prompt (cmd.exe) to stop it disappearing.
@ishan_rulz it seems you have DNS look up problem this is why you're unable to access Piriform.
I've seen this problem occasionally on my ISP but they usually only lasts a few days or so.
try: ipconfig.exe /flushdns
If that doesn't work append your hosts file "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" with the following www.piriform.com forum.piriform.com
Save and restart your web browser for the changes to take effect.
Note that this a temporary fix if Piriform change their IP addresses the host data would become invalid.
Richard S.
Flushing my DNS didn't work. I even downloaded the "Repair_Network" tool from Shane's website and still a no go.
Editing the HOSTS files seemed to have done the work for me, it saddens me that it is temporary.
Unfortunately, it isn't the result of admin "spam blocking".
That would have been an easy fix.