Pinnacle Studio 8/Yahoo Mai - Need To Uninstall It

Two things.

Firstly, I've noticed I have a 305 MB folder in program files called Pinnacle. This came with my DVD Re-writer, but there seems to be no uninstall for it. It doesn't appear under the all programs list so could I just delete the folder? I don't know whether I have deletedit in the past and this got left behind... Also, could deleting it stop my re-writer from working?

I have also found a yahoo internet mail uninstaller. This came wiht Yahoo Messanger - which I want to keep. However when I click it, the hourglas starts, then stops - basically nothing happens? It could be a dud, but if it is their (looked under programs, if it is their its numdled with the messanger program under yahoo.

Any ideas?

You could delete the folder but that probably wont get rid of it completely. Instead I would reinstall it and then and then uninstall it.

Are you using winapp2 for ccleaner?

No, I'm not, just Add/remove programs under Control Panel - though the same thing happens under Uninstall in CCleaner as well.

I'm more worried about Pinnacle. I don't know what to do.... I could delete it to recycle bin, and see what happens?

winapp2? What do you mean?


No, I'm not, just Add/remove programs under Control Panel - though the same thing happens under Uninstall in CCleaner as well.

I'm more worried about Pinnacle. I don't know what to do.... I could delete it to recycle bin, and see what happens?

why did you make the same post twice?

also you might wanna look at this and see if you have any of those pieces of software.

edit:edited an error with the link

edit2:IPB is gay

Delete that folder and then run an issues scan with ccleaner.(you will probably get a bunch). I had to do this with sonic stage today.(never put that program on your pc.)

why did you make the same post twice?

also you might wanna look at this and see if you have any of those pieces of software.


He didnt start the same post twice. On one he had things listed in ccleaner that he shouldnt. On this one he has programs that he cant uninstall.

Thanks. I deleted it, did an issue scanner and a RFA scan, got rid of those. The only thing left is Yahoo Internet Mail.

When you buy new hardware you can often use the hardware without installing anything on CD's that come with it.

Hardware manufacturer often ship CD's with stuff but I never install them. They are to help user who dont have software, and they are often outdated verions.