Pink Square after Quick Defragmentation

Ran Slimbuild of Defraggler 2.14.706 on WIN 7 (64bit) to perform quick defrag. Although fragmentation is indicated as zero, a pink/light red square remained. Could not find any fragmented files corresponding to that square. I expected all squares to be blue, except for the 'swap' file in beige.

Check disk did not reveal any problems.

Any comments or fixes please?

Could it be the MFT (Master File Table)?

It's odd. After checking the standard drive map colours for DF, I can't see anything pink there. Did you change the default colour scheme?

If you scan and click on the "Drive Map" TAB and post a screen-shot we might advise regardless of whether your colour scheme is default.

If you click on the drive map pink square it will identify the file(s) which are in it.

If one at a time you select each one of the colors under the "Drive Map" TAB,

then all the squares in the centre map will be dimmed, apart from the squares designated by that color,

and when your pink square is the one that remains un-dimmed you should know what sort of content is held there.

I have not changed the default color scheme; my perception and description of color is not perfect, although I am not color blind.

It is the color that corresponds to "Fragmented, low occupancy". If every single file corresponding to that square is defragmented,

the square should be blue.. or so I have assumed.

My understanding is the coloured blocks are not perfect.

They are a guide.

If you adjust the border to give the file map as much screen space as possible, you will get more blocks per file ratio and it may give you a better picture. And crank up the monitor resolution for this exercise to further improve your block count.

Thank you to all who responded. I am going to stop worrying about it.