Pinging to websites

Hi,I tried to test my internet connection by pinging to a website.Anyway does windows store a history of what websites you have pinged too, much like they do when you go on a website in internet explorer

I don't think so.

Not too helpful. I want someone to be sure of what there saying.But thanks anyway for trying .I appreciate it.Can someone else tell me

Not too helpful. I want someone to be sure of what there saying.But thanks anyway for trying .I appreciate it.Can someone else tell me

If you're going to be rude about it there's always Google which would've probably been a better start than asking on a forum.

it should be something you could check for yourself, do a ping on a site you haven't pinged before.

either using their web name or their IP address.

then search the Registry for that, then if you have time to spare, do a string search looking at into the contents of all your files.

(I'm almost positive it is not kept, but if it is, it'll be the Registry)

that will 100% give you your answer.

if for no other reason as to why I'm certain it is not kept, CCleaner and all those 100's of others, as well as browser track wipers and the like, would have included it or at least mentioned it in the last 20 years the ping command as been around for.

if you used the Run box or command-line the last few commands are remembered

CCleaner and many other cleaner do clean the mru. If you really want to clear the ping cmd entry perhaps have a read here

Nice info, Hazel. Got it, thanks. :-)

then search the Registry for that, then if you have time to spare, do a string search looking at into the contents of all your files.

I was disturbed to find that Microsoft History indicated that I had used a file I did not recognise and that it was held in a Partition P:\ that I knew nothing about.

I eventually found out that what I saw was actually ROT13 encoding of a file in C:\.

I read that Microsoft used ROT13 to obfuscate my data to protect my privacy - would have been better that they not collect my data in the first place.

So if you want to search for an item, you may need to search for its ROT13 variant - the joys of computing. :o

ROT-13 is the most secure cipher, from what I've heard. ;)

If you're going to be rude about it there's always Google which would've probably been a better start than asking on a forum.

I wasn't trying to be rude.I thanked him for his help,but saying "he thinks so" isnt really reassuring to anyone.

Also "mta" thanks for the help.It was useful

I wasn't trying to be rude.I thanked him for his help,but saying "he thinks so" isnt really reassuring to anyone.

Would you prefer the alternative - which is that nobody responds unless they have an absolute sure-fire 100% guaranteed answer ?

Enough Alan, cut a bit of slack and let's not prolong this 'you said' he said' thing.

michaelsmith664 has already explained he wasn't trying to be rude and did thank people for their help.