
Do you ever try to load a slow website faster by piggybacking it along with another loading website? I've been trying that lately. It seems that sites that have at least one ad service or Google service or whatever in common, help to piggyback other slower similar sites onto the browser screen.

I'm not sure I know what you mean by that.

One thing I have been doing recently is surfing with Java and Javascript disabled in both Opera and Firefox.

Without a doubt, the vast majority of sites, including pages on Piriform, load a hell of a lot quicker for me, with Javascript disabled.

I have a Java and Javascript toggle switch on both browsers, and the only time I need to activate Javascript on Piriform, is to use the "messenger" to send a pm or make a post.

You can do both without Javascript, but I like to use rich text, which needs it enabled.

The only time I have to enable Javascript on the open web is to log in to some websites, and to view video on some websites, but not all. Depends on the format. I can navigate from page to page quicker, and watch movies, on the DivX video sites I use with Javascript disabled no problem.

Might not be the case for everyone, but it certainly works for me.

Java and Javascript toggle buttons:



If it makes a difference for you, great. If not, it hasn't cost anything to try.

I mean if I load slow site A in one tab and also load faster site B in another tab right away, site B's "stream" will help slow site A to load faster, or help carry some of slow site A's info to my browser faster. (No, it's not pr0n. )

I know what you're talking about. With Opera I have hosts. With FF I have NoScript. I'm wondering.....I also have AdBlock on FF. Maybe I should disable it because it might be conflicting with NoScript.

But anyway, one regular site in particular takes a long time regardless. It's fairly popular so it can get bogged down that way. But sometimes it can take up to a minute and beyond and I know they have the servers to handle traffic.

Anyway, I was still wondering if anyone else tries what I mentioned. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Anyway, I was still wondering if anyone else tries what I mentioned. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It's you, and only you. :P I've never thought to try that before, however I don't do that much tabbed browsing.