Picture folder has many files with ccleaner icon

I was in my picture files today at the folder level and was surprised to see a lot of folders with the CCleaner "C" and a whisk broom over the top of them. What does that mean, that those folders need to be cleaned (I just ran CC)and what does it mean that a lot of them don't have that on it? The symbol seems to have appeared with this latest iteration of the software.

I'm not new to CC, but I'm not a techie and I never change the settings. Thank you.

I've never heard of anything like that, can you screen shoot it and post. sounds like maybe icon cache may have been corupted but without seeing it I can be sure.

I am sure the moderators will move this to the right place. Welcome to the forums!

Till then, what OS are you using? For how long have you had CCleaner? Did this happen after installing a software recently?

If possible can you upload a screenshot? (Prt Scrn) No problem if you can't.

Topic moved to ccleaner Bugs and renamed for better understanding of issue.

I've never heard of anything like that, can you screen shoot it and post. sounds like maybe icon cache may have been corupted but without seeing it I can be sure.

Well now I feel like a complete fool. I just went back to my picture file and all the CCleaner icons are gone. Now I wish I had done a print screen first.

Forgive the post and thank you.

No problem. write back if anything goes wrong.

Glad it worked out for you :)

Well now I feel like a complete fool. I just went back to my picture file and all the CCleaner icons are gone. Now I wish I had done a print screen first.

Forgive the post and thank you.

Could have been a refresh problem.

Sometimes, when Windows runs low on physical ram & has to use the harddisk, it can cause problems with the auto-refresh.

Log off & back on, or reboot can fix these type issues. It is possible for you to move a file & for it to remain "stuck" on the screen after you moved it when this happens. It is also possible for Windows to attribute the wrong icons to files/folders under similar conditions.

This is not a CCleaner problem, but rather, a Windows problem.

Thank you! Glad you "fixed" it. Hope your experience with CCleaner remains a positive one.