Perform Clean @ Shutdown/Restart

It would be nice to have the option to perform cleaning tasks at the time of Shutdown and/or Restart, rather than only on bootup. I've always perferred to clean everything up when exiting Windows, so all files that are loaded/read by Windows and/or certain programs are fresh upon Window's startup. Unnessary files aren't there to be read or initalized as well at bootup if everything is cleaned up when the last session was closed. This conept is also beneficial at times when a program runs before Windows GUI starts, such as defragging MFT, virus scanning, etc.

Gotta' love CCleaner! :D

Checkboxes instead of radio buttons would be the way to go. Then, the truly paranoid among us could select both Shutdown and Restart options.

Checkboxes instead of radio buttons would be the way to go. Then, the truly paranoid among us could select both Shutdown and Restart options.

Great idea. Like the paranoia reference too. Sounds like you know me. ;)