PC Maintenance in Organization


I need some information and suggestion.

Currently my organization has about 400 PCs. This PC have to be updated for its BIOS files, motherboard drivers, BUS drivers, Windows ( 98 and above) and the virus pattern. Since we only have 2 of technician, this task has put us on so much burden.

Any suggestion on software that I can try..?


im not sure but there may be some remote access programs out there that you can access all the PCs and run the same on all the PCs at the same time.

Try this www.driveragent.com need to buy a sub but well worth it...... Check it out..... :rolleyes::D

An organization of that size should not only have more than two techs, but have already centralized all user systems into logging into a domain and using Active Directory or otherwise to manage resources. If the machines are in fairly similar groups, it wouldn't be that hard to push down a logon script which performs most of the updates automatically. But that's assuming you're using a domain model.

Please tell me that your org uses a domain model... :/