Does anyone have any recommendations for:
PC Load testing, CPU & memory testing, Burn-in software, HDD & GPU testing software other than the standard MS Windows SW.
Suitable for running/testing newly built PC's particularly Windows 8.1 64bit boxes.
I am currently using "HeavyLoad-64 & StressMyPC" software and I am looking for additional software. All suggestions gratefully received.
What is it you are trying to prove Tas?
Do you simply want to see how your new beast fairs against others, or against some standard benchmark?
Or are you trying to investigate some faulty hardware?
Passmark burn-in, we use it at the shop on all our custom builds before sending them off ![:)]()
Attempting/trying to locate "suspect" hardware issue's mta.
My days of "mine's faster than yours" is long long long past, I'm just happy to wake up in the morning above ground......LOL
Thanks Winapp2.ini I shall take a look at Passmark burn-in.
I'm just happy to wake up in the morning above ground......LOL
You and me both! but that's no reason to not show off the rig every once in a while ![;)]()
OCCT, does load testing, error checking, and also combined load (gpu/cpu).
i feel that if your pc handles a couple of hours of OCCT, it will survive anything you can throw at it (apart from physical objects)