PayPal Costing Contributions

Pay Pal is costing Piriform countless contributions. It is so picky and persnickedy! By Trial and error, it lets the contributor figure out that it is the international credit card number which is to be used, by trial and error that the international format for telephone number is not to be used, by trial and error what's wrong with the home address which the oontributor knows so well. And on and on until the contributor gives up.

Using Pay Pal is a pain in the backside.

I'd like to contribute for CCleaner. It works very, very well. I have used it in recovering from two worms which destroyed several drivers and a couple of programs. Following a deletion of Recycle Bin contents, CCleaner really gets rid of the scraps. I like CCleaner.

But contributing is not possible. Why cannot I just wrap a $20 bill in a sheet of paper with my email address on it and put it into an envelope and mail it?

You want money?? Then make it possible to contribute.

Scullr, USA

Hi scullr, welcome to the forum.

I'm sorry to hear of the problems you've had trying to contribute to Piriform. I'm sure the developers will appreciate you bringing this up.

I will pass this on, and thanks again.

I was put off using paypal a two or three years ago, having read of a very large number of significant disputes.

I'd never look at using them.

Like it or not, the organization has a name, now, that is far from popular with many.

An alternative means of donation (for all sorts of software providers) would be welcome.

I was put off using paypal a two or three years ago, having read of a very large number of significant disputes.

I'd never look at using them.

Like it or not, the organization has a name, now, that is far from popular with many.

An alternative means of donation (for all sorts of software providers) would be welcome.

I agree 100%. I have been burned by PayPal twice now and I will never use them again!!

I've used Paypal for years now without any problem at all.

I`ve been using paypal since years, and no problem at all. Also I`ve been sent my donation, now what I have to do?