Pause the Windows Search Indexing

Config : Win7 32bit, Defraggler v1.20.201

re: SearchProtocolHost.exe

Please consider adding control to Defraggler to pause the SearchProtocolHost.exe routines which interfere with the speed of defraggler.

During defrag, this process should not be running as its activities pose a direct threat to more fragmentation during a defrag, and it certainly hammers the disk due to excessive numbers of reads taken place (as monitored in the Resource Monitor utility).

This process is certainly slowing Defraggler.

Any suggestions on how to PAUSE (not stop/disable) this indexing process will be very welcomed.

Why This Is Happening : Upon a reinstallation of Windows, all required software applications installed, and all data copied back on to the machine, we all know how 'fragmented' the disk is left by Microsoft. Hence the need to run the defrags to get the machine to a healthy post-installation state. At this time, it's pretty clear that Windows Indexing has not yet completed on the disk(s) and when Defraggler is run, it runs in contention for disk access.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

Overall: Very happy with Defraggler, and would recommend it to others.

I have now found an option, in the Control Panel, called "Indexing Options" which MANUALLY controls the Indexing that is taking place.

There is a 'Pause' button which puts the search process(es) on hold.

Watching the reaction in the Resource Monitor, this gave the exact effect I wanted to see. All disk resource was primarily returned to Defraggler, and it's well on it's way to finishing up.

When Defraggler is complete, I will re-enable the Indexing.

I hope this posting is of help to someone else in the future.