PAUSE scan possible?

Is there any way to PAUSE a scan?

I understand you wouldn't want to do that on a drive holding the currently operating OS, but it sure would be nice for an external HDD. As would saving the scan. Yes I read the other forum comments, and understand that the scan would degrade for an operating drive. However, as long as one is only LOOKING at and COPYING FROM an external drive, then wouldn't the scan remain relevant?

I'm doing a deep scan of a drive that is currently an external HDD. (A laptop drive on an adapter).

The deep scan is currently a 3% after almost 11 hours, and informs me there are 15 days remaining.

Apparently, choosing to include non-deleted files is not feasible in my case. So it looks like I'll restart the scan tonight without that.

Thank you.

Me again. No, you can't pause a scan. Yes, you can save it to a text file, but it would make very boring reading. You can't upload the saved file, The scan reads all files, non-deleted and deleted, so there's no real difference whether you chose that option or not - except that sorting the display would take longer if all files are displayed.

Thanks again @Augeas,

I've confirmed that the txt file is VERY boring reading. Iwas hoping that it saved just the selected ones, to more easily keep track of each recover operation. But based on trial and mostly error, I found that the entire list is written each time.

Still in recovery here.