Path Recuperation


I have few questions for using Recuva correctly.

We have a RAID 5 with 15 disks, data has been moved to another RAID.

Unfortunately, some DATA are missing on the new volume.

So, we have used Recuva for retrieving the data. The software make the job, but it cannot find the right path of each folder.

Some file are marked as "F:?" and some other "F:?[lastDirectory]"

My question is : Is there a way to find the complete path for each files ? Or the last 4/5 directory ?

It’s very important because, the data are used with a software and need this specific path to work.

Thanks for reply


My interpretation is that the folder record in the MFT has been overwritten, so Recuva can't reconstruct the path back to the root. The file record will point back to where the original folder record was, but the record now contains some other data.

If your 'We' is a business, you will require a licence, and that will give you support directly from Piriform.

Tanks for the quick response.

Recuva is currently scanning the volume.

I will see the result in 4 days (16TB to scan ... :/ )