
Hi There,

I am new to CCleaner. This is a might powerfull programme. I would like to be able to password protect it to prevent accidential activation.


I would like to be able to password protect it to prevent accidential activation.

Currently, CCleaner cannot be password protected. The only suggestion I can give is to password your Windows account so that no one can access any of your programs without your express permission.

CCleaner really isn't all that powerful. It mostly just cleans things that you can manually delete simply by clicking around in Explorer. Things like cookies, temp folders, and recently opened file lists. CCleaner shouldn't delete anything that is integral to your system, so passwording the program isn't that big of deal.

I agree with lokoike. If you don't want CCleaner to be accessible on your account then create a new user account, and install it to run on that account only.

Although you can't password protect CCleaner you could in theory hide it by removing all shortcuts to it e.g.; Desktop, and in the Start Menu. And then right click the CCleaner program files folder and select Hidden to make it a hidden folder that nobody can see unless they turn on hidden files and folders, or use a utility that shows them.

Of course this would mean you'd have to manually start CCleaner each time via Start, Run.

Hmm, interesting for some reason when I clicked Start, Run and just typed in CCleaner (no path, etc.,) it loaded the program.

Hmm, interesting for some reason when I clicked Start, Run and just typed in CCleaner (no path, etc.,) it loaded the program.

Why is that interesting (hmmmm)? Is it not supposed to? I thought that I read somewhere that CCleaner has a Run feature.

Why is that interesting (hmmmm)? Is it not supposed to? I thought that I read somewhere that CCleaner has a Run feature.

I was under the impression that any installed program whose name you entered would work with 'Run...'. For example, I just typed in "firefox" (no quotes) under 'Run...', and it brought up Mozilla Firefox. I also tried out "nero", and it opened up Nero Burning ROM. I think the only exception to this is either:

1. If the extension is not made explicit (for example, if I had multiple files named "firefox", I would need to specify "firefox.exe")


2. If there is more than one application that has the same name (for example, if you have two different applications, both named "calculator.exe")

I was under the impression that any installed program whose name you entered would work with 'Run...'. For example, I just typed in "firefox" (no quotes) under 'Run...', and it brought up Mozilla Firefox. I also tried out "nero", and it opened up Nero Burning ROM. I think the only exception to this is either:

1. If the extension is not made explicit (for example, if I had multiple files named "firefox", I would need to specify "firefox.exe")


2. If there is more than one application that has the same name (for example, if you have two different applications, both named "calculator.exe")

s? amigo...gracias :D

s? amigo...gracias :D

:huh: ... I think she's swearing at me...

Well it was a surprise to me, I didn't know about that feature in WinXP, I just tried it on a farts whim.

Nope, it doesn't work with every .exe file.

:huh: ... I think she's swearing at me...

"yes friend...thanks"

Nah those aren't swear words yet.