Partition Problem

I've got a little problem that I hope someone will be able to help me with.

My main boot drive is/was 142gb. I've partitioned it creating a 50gb partition. I used Acronis.

It was really easy to use and everything booted up. The problem I've got now is i can't see the new partition.

When I go back into Acronis the partition shows up, but in my computer it isn't there.

Can anyone recommend how to fix this?



gotta format the other part!

Dumb question time, how do I do that when I can't see it?

Dumb question time, how do I do that when I can't see it?

Hey mps69_1999,

To view and edit all drives connected to your computer, go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. Then expand the Storage list and click Disk Management. All of your partitions should be listed in the section on the right.

The disk that is not showing up in My Computer should have a black bar above it (instead of the blue bar that shows up on your other drives). You can right-click the drive and select New Partition or Format, depending on the current status on the drive. If the partition hasn't been set up, do that first, and then format. Otherwise, just format. Your drive should now be recognized.

Let me know if that works out for you. :)

Thanks guys that's done the trick, have a drink on me. :D

I can now sleep soundly as I don't have everything on my boot drive. :unsure:
