Parameter Incorrect recovering from flash drive

I am trying to use Recuva to retrieve pictures that were on a USB flash drive. When I try to run the scan, I get PARAMETER NOT CORRECT, and it refuses to scan. As of right now, the drive appears as unformatted... but I didn't want to format it for fear of losing the 1,000+ pictures there.

Can anyone help?

I'm having the exact same problem recovering documents from a Sandisk Cruzer. Windows explorer (Vista) keeps telling me to format the disk in order to use it. Any one got any ideas?

I am trying to use Recuva to retrieve pictures that were on a USB flash drive. When I try to run the scan, I get PARAMETER NOT CORRECT, and it refuses to scan. As of right now, the drive appears as unformatted... but I didn't want to format it for fear of losing the 1,000+ pictures there.

Can anyone help?


I have VERY limited experience of Recuva, BUT,

I doubt that ANY file recovery program will succeed in running under an operating system which cannot tell if the drive is un-formatted, or is formatted in one of the wonderful UNIX flavours.

I think you should be looking for advice upon getting access to the drive.

Once you can read the files that have NOT been deleted, THEN you can start hunting for what has been deleted.

There are probably forums dedicated to doing whatever it is that flash drives need doing to them.

At the end of the day, try joining the C.I.A. - you might be able to sneak your flash drive in for a detailed magnetic domain analysis ! !

