paperport 6.5 removal from Windows Vista

Thanks in advance, I ignorantly tried to load paperport 6.5 on a Windows Vista laptop, It didn't work :blink: , and now I can't remove it fully. Any suggestions/fixes would be greatly appreciated.

Can CCleaner do this and how?

Not sure if 6.5 is compatable with Vista. Does it say it is on the CD?

What sort of error messages are you getting?

Have you tried booting into safe mode to uninstall it?

This is the uninstall for 2000 and xp but I cannot find one for vista

Ouch, I see what happened. It sounds like not only is PP6.5 not compatible with Vista, but neither is its uninstaller.

I recommend that the first thing you try is if you have System Restore enabled in Vista, I would try going back to a previous restore point. Otherwise, it could be very time consuming to research and crawl through every registry entry and directory that the PP6.5 installation tried to write to.

I have used Revo Uninstaller (freeware) to uninstall stubborn applications in the past. I did have one program that could never completely get removed and I ended up doing a rebuild. Except for that, the program was simple and effective for everything else that I tested it with. There is a point in its process where the program?s registry entries are exposed so you can select whether you really want to remove them or not.