So, I decided to try this program out. It seems interesting, so far I have only gotten one little pop up about buying the paid one which is no big deal. I'm sure I'll also get tons of emails but thats not a huge concern either. So far the program seems relatively light in regards to memory/cpu usage and its gotten good reviews on a few tech sites, so I decided to try it.
I do have one question for those of you who use it though: Where is the update button? I cannot find anywhere in the UI to update the virus definitions manually but I'm sure I'm just missing it. I tried a google search but all I got was adverts for the paid version.
Also did anyone else disable the "process monitor". I didn't get any pop ups from it on installation but it just sounded like trouble from the name.(getting flash backs to the old process gaurd/WinPatrol where it nags constantly)
Never mind, I didn't realize I could scroll down on the initial settings page. If you go to the top right and click the 3 lines and then settings you can scroll down and there is an auto update menu. Also I found this post that says if you uncheck the "panda news" box on that page you can disable the upgrade pop up notification. Not sure it works but I'm gonna give it a shot:
To be honest, nothing. I even disable Defender on windows 8 now. I haven't run an AV on my own machines regularly in a few years. I haven't even tried the latest versions of avast, avg, or antivir. I just saw an article about panda and remembered Andavari mentioning it in a recent post and decided to try it. I have one machine that has a lifetime license for malware bytes on it but that isn't my main machine anymore.
I don't really see viruses on my own machines, and when I fix them for others now I usually just reformat instead of trying to clean it up, unless its something super easy to fix obviously.
Not great advice, sorry.
Oh and I already uninstalled Panda off this machine. It has a haswell core i3, with 6 gigs of ram, and a ssd. I felt like my mouse was lagging while panda was installed, which while this isn't a super computer it shouldn't be happening.
Beware of Panda false positives. Unless you tick the option "ask before deleting a virus" it will delete some legit files without asking. Happened to me.
I'm still using it, but only because of Avira not being able to update a few weeks ago.
You had mentioned the update button buried in the settings of Panda, for anyone using it you don't have to manually check for updates at all. The only time I scan with it are newly downloaded files, and when I'm going to image my Windows drive - in between I never run regular virus scans anymore hence that's what real-time protection is for and since the lengthy scanning always comes up clean - that's in my situation though with just me on my computer, if other people used my computer I'd scan it weekly.
Beware of Panda false positives. Unless you tick the option "ask before deleting a virus" it will delete some legit files without asking. Happened to me.
I always turn that automated let me kill your system for you feature in all antivirus products off - I don't trust any of them due to false positives.