Pale Blue Dot

With every conflict, currently Syria and Iraq, I am reminded of this great little speech by Carl Sagan.

It goes for 10 minutes but is worth it.

You have to ask yourself, Why can we not just get along?

Why can we not just get along?

Before we have that Star Trek one-world community thing where everyone strives to better themselves something even more catastrophic than all the wars combined would have to happen, like say a super volcano going off and/or a huge asteroid/comet that disseminates humankind only leaving very few behind that could start over and do better than before and not make the same mistakes, then maybe that utopia moment would happen - but then again they could re-populate the planet and in a thousand years be stupid again with agendas.

You have to ask yourself, Why can we not just get along?

I've thought that very same thought since the first time I saw a real shot of this rock hanging there in the blackness of space.

Sadly, even an invasion from "out there" wouldn't get the folk on this planet pulling together. Too little trust and too much suspicion.

It's simple really, just eliminate all the governments, all the religions, and all the money in the world. Those three things account for 99.9% of all the conflicts in the history of mankind.

It's simple really, just eliminate all the governments, all the religions, and all the money in the world.

That's pretty much what I wanted to post but used the Star Trek thing since it pretty much says the same thing clandestinely, but I thought against it as certain groups of people will flame forums if someone mentions their beliefs are a root cause of evil in the world and should be eliminated.

It's simple really, just eliminate all the governments, all the religions, and all the money in the world. Those three things account for 99.9% of all the conflicts in the history of mankind.

Same idea, different twist: "just eliminate all the agression, all the intolerance, and all the greed in the world. ..."

It might not be the institutions that cause the problems, but the people who run them.

That's an iffy proposition, but at least worth thinking about. :)