A friend asked if she could paint her new PC's case. I thought she meant to spray paint it another color, but she wants to actually hand-paint designs on it. Hmmm...... ![:blink:]()
So my question here is, what type paint should she use? She's willing to paint over the factory paint. Any ideas..?
i dont think its going to really matter.
spray paints a good idea.
just use something thats not going to flake off or melt down or something when it gets heated up. ![:)]()
mfenech, Your friend will definitly want to use a waterbase paint, If She,s going to airbrush it. Use createx . if You want to brush it on, Theres also createx auto air but its enamel base, also one shot, also enamel a sign painters paint, The 2 later ones would have to be done with the case off & painted in a well vented area, Although very slight fumes, still dangerous , Any will hold up pretty good , will take the heat, & can be found at most craft stores, Hope this helps. Cowboy, P.s some people use other paints but if the puter heats up they produce very toxic fumes.
Thanks folks...
hazelnut - I think there will be a feminine slant on this enclosure. I did think the war-torn desert storm case was interesting. ![;)]()
cowboy - I'm not sure if you were saying enamel paint would be good or bad...?
Sorry, If i wasn,t clear. if its either one of those 2 that I mentioned they would be fine. It just depends what She,s going to paint & how to She,s going apply it, on what would be best. But the enamels would have to be dry before putting the case back on. I hope that clears it up. Cowboy
People have been painting their PC cases for years.
Just make sure you guts the whole entire case before she paints stuff shut like the CD drive. ![:P]()