Paint.NET v3.05 released

Paint.NET v3.05 released


Changes:v3.05 Released: March 29th, 2007This is a minor update that adds a new effect, improvescertain parts of the user interface, and fixes a fewminor bugs.* New: Pencil Sketch effect* New: In Windows Vista, the new-style Save/Open dialogsare used. Among other things, this enables Search functionality.* Changed: The View->Units, Image->Flip, Image->Rotate, andLayers->Flip submenus have been "flattened" (their commands weremoved out into the View, Image, Image, and Layers menusrespectively)* Improved: Download size reduced by about 300 KB by using PNGOUT* Improved: Some uses of confusing "MessageBox" style dialogshave been changed to a much friendlier "TaskDialog" styleinterface* Improved: When changing the language, Paint.NET can now restartitself automatically* Improved: Better performance for Move Selected Pixels tool forquad-core systems. This issue is documented and explained here,* Removed: The "Clear History" button has been removed because itwas not very useful* Fixed: Sometimes the Colors window would get "lost" betweensessions of Paint.NET* Fixed: Stack-overflow crash when using certain effects, suchas Gaussian Blur, on very large images with certain settings(such as a 200 pixel radius)* Fixed: When cancelling the multi-image Unsaved Changes dialog,the input focus was sometimes confused* Changed: Renamed PdnLib.dll to PaintDotNet.Core.dll* Fixed: Very rare race condition in background thumbnailrenderer