OxygenOffice Professional

OxygenOffice Professional is a version of openoffice that contains more extras like templates, cliparts, samples and fonts. This could be a huge thing for people that use only openoffice because it makes the suite more user friendly and helps fill in some of the basic things openoffice was lacking.

I haven't downloaded this yet because I have startoffice.(the commercial version of openoffice) and it includes all of these things but I'm interested to see if this matches startoffice.

For openoffice users this is a must have version.


Did anyone try this? Was there lots of usefull stuff in it?

I want to but I cant have SO and OO installed at the same time because they will interfere with each other.

That is nothing more than a rebranded OOpremium. It was good, but nothing special. It just included clipart, fonts, templates, etc. If I were you I would stay with StarOffice. BTW when does StarOffice release so-pp4?

Thanks for the info. I guess I won't download it then.

I just wanted to make sure it didn't offer something SO didn't.

As for update 4 for SO its already out. :lol: It added auto updates and a few other things.(or a check for update button..something like that)

Really so-pp4 is out already? Where? I just checked and the latest I can find is pp3. Maybe you mean that there is a patch for pp4. The installer that's out right now is only pp3. If I'm not wrong, pp4 will reflect changes made in openoffice 2.04; including pdf security features and update checking. If there is an integrated installer for pp4 please let me know.

Mentions update 4 here, as I don't use Star office not sure if this is the right thing !!
