Outpost Firewall Free 6.5

I just noticed Outpost Firewall Free 6.5 listed on FileHippo.com here, which is a major leap in the freeware version number from the previous 1.0 from several years past.

Has anyone tried it yet, and what are the impressions of it?

I just noticed Outpost Firewall Free 6.5 listed on FileHippo.com here, which is a major leap in the freeware version number from the previous 1.0 from several years past.

Has anyone tried it yet, and what are the impressions of it?

Haven't tried this new free version, Andavari, but I do use the most up-to-date version of Outpost Firewall Pro. Outpost is great -- I've used it for years -- have never had a problem with either the software -- or with an intrusion.

I've installed the new freeware version. To sum everything up I'm very impressed with it.

I've installed the new freeware version. To sum everything up I'm very impressed with it.

Thank you for the notice. Is it light on system resources?

Wow check out their new website. http://free.agnitum.com/ Looks like they're back to updating their programs.

Its about time :) the old freeware one use to make one of our PC's Bluescreen,

Was all over their forum at the time and the only fix was to pay for Pro.

Is it light on system resources?

The resident file op_mon.exe is using 8,972K, the peak usage when the computer first started was 14,272K. The whole thing from download, etc., is lighter than ZoneAlarm Free and I'm not having any issues either with my rather finicky computer.


Comodo firewall 2.4.19 is running here at 9,792k with a peak of 9,384k.

Will try Outpost, probably lighter in the long run.

Thanks again.


for what its worth.

Outpost 6.5 running here on a VM with 1300 mb available ram is using 3,568k, peak at startup was 23,788k. No glitches.

Passed the GRC Shields UP test. http://www.grc.com/default.htm,

and the firewall test at http://www.auditmypc.com/.

So, looks like a good'un. :D

It also passed the PC Flank tests for which it has built in links to test on that site.

I think I'll give this a look over. Nice spot, thanks.

I think you'll like it too DennisD, it really is simple to use and it's rather lite on the system and is a definite security upgrade for those of us who were using Windows Firewall without any outbound filtering.

Here are some interesting Firewall comps (including the new Outpost Firewall Free) from Matousec

Here are some interesting Firewall comps (including the new Outpost Firewall Free) from Matousec

Third place isn't bad at all, at least in F1 ideology it would be a podium appearance.

Third place is very good, considering the first place is a paid version of a program.


Eh... The only things you really need for a firewall are the things it already gives. The rest you don't need.

Can someone post some screen shots of this new version? I'd like to see some of the main display and the system tray icon. Thanks!

Look here for screenshots:


Looks pretty good. I want to try it but I already use Windows firewall + hardware firewall.

Thanks. I did a Google search, but didn't come across that page. Now I just have to decide if I should finally switch from Sygate. I've used Sygate for ~5 years, and it's so simply and extremely light on RAM and system resources, so I'm still undecided.