After running ccleaner, when I respond to an email (outlook 2003) the fonts in the response look HUGE, even though it shows a selected 10 point font, it looks to be about a 32 point font. Any suggestions? Anyone with the same problem?
giving you the old traditional welcome from the CC forums.
did you just run it or did you run the issues scanner?
try this
tools>IE options>general>fonts>
language script on "latin based"
web page font "arial"
plain text font "courier new"
if you see a difference, you can play around with the different fonts till you get the one you like best.
Thanks for the welcome. I just "ran it". I was really impressed with some increase in speed and a couple of other things, and then got a bit bummed out by the font issue. I'll try your suggestions, and get back. Thanks again.
Thanks for the welcome. I just "ran it". I was really impressed with some increase in speed and a couple of other things, and then got a bit bummed out by the font issue. I'll try your suggestions, and get back. Thanks again.
Tried your fix, and the problem still exists. Everything is fine UNTIL I reply to an email message. When I read a new message, all looks fine, as soon as I hit Reply the fonts triple in size. Not sure how they arrive at the receipients email box.
it just occured to me that i had this problem a couple months back.
how i fixed it is IE options>accessibility> "check" ignore font sizes specified on web pages, and that should do the trick.
Sorry I didn't post my solution sooner. Turns out that (I use Word as editor for Outlook), for some reason after using Ccleaner the "Magnification" percent was raised to 200%. So every time I replied to an email, it used Word, and everything was twice as large as normal. Changing the % in Outlook did not help, but opening Word, create a document, set Magnification to 100%, then saving the document, made it keep 100% as the default, and problem solved.
Sometimes it's the simple things taht drive you crazy, as you look for some tech heavy solution.
Hi - I came across the same problem but after looking through some setting i fixed it. This is how you do it:
Your inbox font looks fine but when you hit reply the font suddely becomes huge. When in this reply state, do the following: go to 'View-Zoom' and select 100% instead of what is probably selected. Mine was 500%. This should hopefully fix your problem.
Just FYI, I downloaded the newest version, and the problem seems to have been fixed.
Hi - I came across the same problem but after looking through some setting i fixed it. This is how you do it:
Your inbox font looks fine but when you hit reply the font suddely becomes huge. When in this reply state, do the following: go to 'View-Zoom' and select 100% instead of what is probably selected. Mine was 500%. This should hopefully fix your problem.