Here are two links that should provide you with some pleasure. Not for the faint hearted.
The world is in such astronomic debt, with every country having its hand in the till, that our future can only be a permanent begging bowl existence. The USA is listed as the richest country, yet tops the world debt league way ahead of everybody else, with little old UK coming in at second place.
To whom is this vast fortune of debt owed ? It cannot be the World Bank or IMF, they have nowhere near that amount of cash in their Piggy Bank. So where do we go from here ? Marching quickly towards a Financial Big Bang I guess and back to the Stone Age. Apocalypse Now ! Or at least Apocalypse Soon !
General facts and figures, starting with the Countries having the greatest National Debt :-
I know the likes of us plodders reckon all this debt jazz amounts to fictitious funny money, manipulated by Governments to reinforce their reasons for bleeding us dry with taxes and depriving us of all our vital domestic services and welfare benifits etc.and is really all political eyewash, but we are wrong.
It is a REAL financial catastrophe and involves REAL money.
The main reasons for the Western World countries being in such a colossal debt, is that they attempt to live way above their means in a hypothetical world of extravagant make-believe, they spend huge amounts of money on wasteful enterprises and balmy projects, they give countless Billions away to other often ungrateful and belligerent countries in all kinds of aid including military, they engage in highly expensive wars or other global bun-fights that are nothing whatsoever to do with them and generally behave like economic and financial irresponsible lunatics.
Many Financial and Economic experts forecast a world financial and economical melt-down in the next 5-10 years. Then we have a total collapse of Western civilization, we all become jobless, life effectively stops dead, we starve to death and it all ends in tears. Back to the Stone Age without the Mammoths to hunt.
Whatever future can we offer our young families in a country which has a consistently growing debt exceeding over $17.5 Trillion ? It is a self inflicted National and social disaster that will last for countless decades if earlier catastrophe can be miraculously avoided.